Sofoklis Constantinou
HR & Crewing Manager - Acheon Akti Navigation Co Ltd
Sofoklis Constantinou is a shipping professional with over 20 years of experience in managerial roles within the shipping industry. He holds a BSc. degree in Shipping from EU Business School and he is a certified internal auditor for ISM as well as for various quality management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS) . Additionally, he is certified as a Company Security Officer.
Sofoklis presently serves as HR & Crewing Manager at Acheon Akti Navigation Co having the supervision and control of the crewing operations of Acheon Akti Navigation and its associated companies.
He is highly skilled in all aspects of crew management, including recruitment, training, performance management as well as budget preparation and controlling.
Sofoklis is an active member of the Cyprus shipping community, and over the years he participated as a member for various committees of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber. He is presently a member of the Crewing & Training committee.