Chrysoula Patrikiou
Business Development Director - Pyli Net
Chrysoula Vasiliki Patrikiou has extensive professional experience as a management executive and an entrepreneur in critical multinational and multicultural work environments, including civil aviation and shipping. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business and Organizational Management (BSc). She has extensive knowledge in achieving harmonious alignment of employee behavior and organizational culture; α significant experience in human capital management, in the design, development, and implementation of learning & development programs, quality standards, holistic systems, and strategies leading to sustainable organizations. As a motivational speaker with strong empathetic communication skills and with an authentic sense of care beyond business, she is highly competent in performing interactive sessions and empowering speeches to groups and individuals. With a clear vision that meets action and a challenging mission to “unleash the power of people” she has shaped her professional identity as a Human Capital Architect. She has been distinguished and awarded by various organizations for her social and business activities. Since 2019, Chrysoula has maintained a position in the “TOP 100 Women in Global Shipping”.