Captain Thomas Reppenhagen

Sales and Client Relations Director – Uniteam Marine

Recruitment and crew wellbeing will be at the heart of the 1st CSN Greece Crewing Conference. Let us hear what other industries with same challenges as we have in the maritime HR sector are doing. We have invited speakers from high-tech companies with many specialists and expert staff members to learn how they cope with talent acquisition and retention. We have also invited speakers from multinational professional services to hear how they cope with HR in a highly regulated business with a lot of crew members. We combine this with hands-on experts within our own industry to have valuable discussions.

  • We are not alone: A perspective from other industries. Other industries are also in hard competition about the talent
  • The Future – Technology
  • Factors influencing Crew Welfare

The above and more, will be discussed at the 1st CSN  Greece Crewing Conference “Maritime HR challenges in a world of changes”. The conferences  will take place on  28th September in Athens at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre.

The attendance of the conference is free of charge for all employees of shipping and shipping related organisations in Greece, but we welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the charity foundation supported by the conference by indicating it at the registration.

The Greece event is under the auspices of the Propeller Club and supported by HELMEPA, WISTA Hellas and AMMITEC.

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